Lyn Lee Fox
Save The Universe Foundation

S.T.U.F. in the News

STUF Victory for Safe Storage of Toxic Chemicals.

Toxic Drum

After years of activism and public outcry, STUF has managed to sway the President of Tibo-Chem Inc to agree to decommission their Toxic Waste Storage Station over Hiventar-Alpha. Toxic Drum SpillOver the next few years the material will be transferred to a storage facility orbiting the uninhabitable planet Hiventar-Beta. The people of Hiventar can rejoice that soon they will no longer live under the threat of this "floating space bomb".

A Tightening of Interplanetary Transport Restrictions.

Many planets have unique lower life forms (both plant and animal) that would be endangered by the introduction of non-native lower life forms. Therefore it is imperative spacecraft carrying these lower life forms not be allowed be land on any such planet. Also, the number of these lower life forms being transported off of these planets should be watched carefully to unsure that these species are allowed to thrive in there nature environments.

Thanks in part to the efforts of STUF, the Galactic Council has passed Law 77B-182 which bans interplanetary transport of plants and animal species not native to the respective planet.