Lyn Lee Fox
Save The Universe Foundation

Members of the Board of STUF

Board Member Xam

Xam - Representative of Xlaxian Intergalactic Order

Xam is a highly respected member of XIO and as a Xogani, Xam has been around since the first intergalactic treaty was signed in IST:14005. As the chairperson of STUF, Xam provides a stable pillar for the rest of the foundation.

Board Member Zkzzlz

Zkzzlz - Representative from an unknown dimension


Board Member Shimora

Shimora - Representative of The Milky Way

Whispermeres are well known for their ability to shapeshift. And Shimora is no exception. Having spent years studying the life forms of the Milky Way, Shimora excels are easing first contact and has been helping STUF maintain public relations with a large variety of species.

Board Member VBX17-BOB

VBX17-BOB - Representative of Cyberverse

BOB only exists virtually. But BOB has connections to anywhere in the cyberverse. BOB is head of marketing for STUF, helping to spread our message across the entire universe.